What type of personal information does Bubble Girl Ltd collect?

When users interact with our Website, Bubble Girl Ltd may gather personal details such as: name, e-mail address, postal address, telephone number, date of birth, gender, and bank account number (only in the event of processing refunds). These details are collected when users place an order, reach out to our team, participate in promotions, or engage in questionnaires on our Website.

The information we request is vital to ensure an optimal service experience. If users choose not to provide the necessary details, Bubble Girl Ltd cannot guarantee a fully satisfactory service.

How does Bubble Girl Ltd utilize your personal information?

* Enhance the user shopping experience.
* Handle online orders, which includes sending updates about order delivery.
* Manage order returns.
* Get in touch in case there are issues with an order or for logistical purposes.
* Address user inquiries.

Does Bubble Girl Ltd share my personal information?

Bubble Girl Ltd firmly assures users that their personal information will never be shared with third-party entities. Prior to sharing any personal details, we will seek explicit, informed, and unequivocal consent from the individual.

Collection and Use of IP Addresses

Our Website servers can automatically detect and record the IP address and domain name used by visitors. An IP address is a unique number assigned to a computer when it connects to the Internet. Such data helps us gather statistics, allowing us to understand user behavior, such as the number of website visits, the sequence of those visits, and the primary access points, among other things.